Thursday 23 January 2014

6 Reasons To Attend IABC Edmonton's New Year's Mixer

Thinking about joining us next Wednesday for the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Edmonton New Year's Mixer? Apart from being cheap ($10 for members, $5 for students and $15 for non-members), there are six extremely good reasons for attending. Here they are - in no particular order.
1) Get a great professional jumpstart to the year.
Do your new year's resolutions include ambitious career goals? Are you looking to change tracks this year, secure a promotion or develop specific new communications skills? If so, you're going to want to start mingling with your fellow communicators in the city, and there could be no better way to start than by attending IABC Edmonton's New Year's Mixer. And for those of you who are natural introverts and have a difficult time with networking events, our mixers are cozy, friendly affairs with drink tickets that will help soothe your nerves.
2) Meet our board members.
IABC Edmonton's board is a charming and motley assortment of professional communicators who represent all sectors of the city and levels of career development. Looking to network with people from specific sectors and potential employers? Our board includes representatives from:
  • ATCO Electric
  • Axxiome Group
  • B5 Communications
  • Berlin
  • Canadian Western Bank
  • City of Edmonton
  • College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
  • Covenant Health
  • Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd.
  • Department of National Defence
  • Edmonton Airports
  • James Murgatroyd Communications
  • White Box Communications
3) Check out one of Edmonton's most talked about new eateries.
Perhaps you've already been to the Parlour Italian Kitchen and Bar on Capital Boulevard. Most likely you haven't yet, because it only opened late last November. But this highly anticipated new addition to Edmonton's gastronomic scene is more than living up to its promise thanks to its gorgeous setting and decor, top-notch service, dynamite wood oven pizzas and superb selection of Italian, Argentine and Californian wines. For more on this event's host venue, read this Edmonton Journal restaurant review.
4) Win some great swag from Edmonton Airports.
Door prizes are a tradition at IABC events. And this event will be no exception. Edmonton International Airport has been a longstanding supporter of IABC Edmonton (and has indeed given us a few board members over the year), and with record-breaking passenger numbers and a new route to Iceland debuting this year, it's got a lot to celebrate right now. No, you won't win a trip to Reykjavik, but the airport is throwing in some nonetheless cool stuff for this event. But you won't find out what unless you attend.
5) Shake off the midwinter blues.
Let's face it - this time of year sucks in this city. If you're in Cancun or Maui or just about anywhere else right now, good for you. If, like the rest of us, you're not, then why not party on a random Wednesday night? With temperatures and our hockey team both in the cellar, there's precious little else to celebrate right now. So why not celebrate being a communications professional in this otherwise great city of ours? After all, we're all in this together - we might as well enjoy it!
6) Be part of the #WeLoveEdmonton campaign.
You may not have heard but Edmonton was just named one of 34 finalists (including three in Canada) in this year's Earth Hour City Challenge, which recognizes cities making a sincere commitment to sustainability. In honour of this accolade from the World Wildlife Federation, the city is promoting the #WeLoveEdmonton campaign aimed at showing the world that we're not only a paragon of sustainability but also a fantastically engaged, cohesive and, yes, communicative city. As professional communicators it's up to us to lead the charge in this campaign, and what better way to kick it off than to party it up with your fellow communicators in a suitably sustainable retrofitted old building in the heart of our revitalized downtown. Bring your iPhone and tweet your heart out over pizza, wine and PR gossip!
Click here to sign up for it.

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